Thursday, 22 December 2022

Dylan159's Troupple Boost

I'll be posting a few circuits from Dylan159's Unreleased Ciruits. There was the Fuzz Facelift posted earlier and i'll continue with more of these goodies. Next up:

Troupple boost. Gamers might get the reference. This came out from my wish for a simple, clean treble boost that could work from a variety of supply voltages to be even cleaner. The rangemaster's bias varies wildly to the point that barely works at 18v. This one features the same bass cutoff and the same input impedance, resulting in that small resonant peak and treble damping. You can try a 10n cap for a more tube screamer-like response.


  1. Happy to be featured here again! Let me know what you think.

  2. Do you have the link to the schematic?

  3. What would be the pin of Volume 2? or is there a mistake and volume 3 is misspelled?
