Thursday, 17 November 2016

Smallsound/Bigsound Team Awesome Fuzz Machine

Original description:
"The TAFM was designed for low end heaviness with the ability to cut through a mix, to simply keep your guitar’s pick attack while having a really saturated fuzz-tone or just to have a subtle background fuzz behind your main keyboard sound. the TAFM excels at versatility and fitting in with almost any instrument in almost any musical setting.
the thick, gnarly fuzz is perfectly complimented by a slightly gritty clean blend which retains all the low end you’d need… plus more. rough overdrive, howling feedback, clean boost with fuzzy sparkles, even phase-cancelled signals for pseudo octave-up/weird discordance and everything in between."
Original FSB thread and schematic available here.


  1. Well it sounds amazing. I blame this blog exclusively for my disgusting infatuation with fuzz.

  2. so on the layout, what is the red on/off block (Three on/off) ? It looks like the switches are all external as per usual.

    1. It's an internal DIP Switch like this:

    2. I figured as much.. What purpose do they serve in this particular circuit? I'm always leery of switches inside an enclosure.

    3. They toggle jfet buffer on and off

  3. Anyone want to split an E-bay order of 40-60 MP35's so we can build one of these? :P I'd love to get this one going.

  4. Instead of looking at DrQuack, it is easier to use immediately the Tonegod Punisher circuit to misbias the second gain stage. So i think you can take the mini, drop the bias pot and replace it with the output of the tonegod punisher. The input of the Punisher comes from after the first stage of the dirt circuit.

  5. this can be tagged as verified, really cool fuzz

    1. Great, I wanted to build it to. What is the Gate footswitch for?

  6. How Aron said, this can definately be tagged as verified, really versatile and gret Bass Fuzz.

  7. Anyone know what hfe to aim for with the germaniums?

  8. Well I'm finally getting around to this, and I have a bunch of 404Vs.. so I'll be trying those in various gains I'll report back once I've completed the build. Apparently it's hard to get the NPNs to gate properly.. but I'll give it a whirl

  9. Does anyone build and sell these?
