
Tuesday 24 January 2017

Digiplay/Panther/Rayder/Stinger OD-30 Overdrive

To my ears, this is an overlooked gem.

Update! Built it myself and yes it sounds as great as i remembered. However. I do recommend going stright for C10K pot on the drive control. And it doesn't hurt to up the "12K*" to 22K. This way the output level goes up to "modern sufficient".


  1. You build this yet? I want to hear a demo.

    1. Nope. But i do have the original Digiplay unit. Layout is currently unverified.

    2. Can you record an audio? Or explain more how it sounds. Thanks and sorry for so many request.

  2. Interesting pedal. Almost no info available about this thing. Mirosol, do you have this one? What can you tell us about it, or can you post some sound files?

  3. Just build it! Be happy with the layout...

    1. Second. Lower parts count than a TS. And no. I do not have the resources to record a clip. Mostly due to the fact that my pedals are stacked away in boxes and i have no idea where this one is.Not interested in opening all boxes with ~500 pedals so i could make a clip for you. I could also pull the layout and take a sabbathical year or two from the blog as most folks don't seem that happy with my layouts :)

      I can tell that the circuit is quite wide in terms of frequency response and the mid hump is nothing like with TS-style circuits. It's well balanced overdrive with very decent drive control range. There's certain amount of "bluesy" feel to its tone. Or this is how i recall it. I did spend a hour or two with the pedal once i acquired it about a year ago.

  4. Now now Miro, dont you be running away! We all appreciate your layouts past present and future.

    1. Nah. I'll be here commenting every time there's something i can truly help with, as always. Sometimes overwhelming requests that gently slide towards complaints tend to get rather annoying.

  5. Mirosol. I'm sorry if you found my questions as insulting. Certainly not my intent. I saw your layout and was very interested in the circuit. But after researching the pedal and not finding any information, reviews or demos. I was wondering if you could offer more detailed information on the sound of the pedal, as you have personal experience having played one. I appreciate all the work you've done for this site. And certainly meant no disrespect towards you.

    1. Hehee :) I'm easily offended nowadays.

      It's a quick build and i do recommend doing it. Now it's even safe to build.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. oops just saw previous comment . A guy that has 500 pedals and says this ones a jem is high praise. I am so far behind Ill get around too it in a month or two. Thanks for the hard work Mirosol.

  6. There you go!

  7. Also check

  8. Details on the clipping switch from the link above. Kind of a cool idea to have the clipping diodes totally out in one position, shouldn't be too hard to wire that:

    "Another feature that has always been appreciated was the thoughtful use of clipping diodes to create a greater versatility in the gain sound. This version has 3 clipping options. When the toggle is to the left (A) it is what we call "modern" clipping with a green 3mm LED and a germanium 1N34A. The middle is the standard "boost" setting. This disengages the clipping diodes which produces a very nice clean boost with crystal clear tone. When the toggle is to the right (B) is what we call "vintage" clipping with vintage NOS clipping diodes. These change frequently based on availability. The vintage clipping can create anything from a light drive to almost fuzz and is a nod to overdrive of the 60's and 70's."

  9. The schematic on FSB shows 6 tranistors with 2 being JFETs. Are these not needed on this version? Apologies if thats a stupid question.

    1. I believe those are for switching control. Check the schematic.

    2. Exactly. Those are for the electronic bypass switching and not needed in the signal path once the circuit is using true bypass switching.

    3. Long shot here, given this thread is a year old.
      I've got a 'Cyclone OD-30 Overdrive', listed elsewhere as the same thing as this. It seems to be broken. It has 6 transistors (matching the comment above), 5 electrolytics and (tellingly, given the overall state of the device), no reverse power protection diode and has an external power plug which is NEGATIVE centre.
      So my question is, if I build this vero layout, how to I modify the unit to use 'true bypass switching' rather than 'electronic bypass switching'?

    4. He layout already has the buffers removed. Build it like any other pedal with true bypass. If you don't know how then look under the "offboard" tab.
