
Saturday 23 September 2017

Foxrox CC Hybrid

Original Info:
"CC Hybrid is one of the first pedals to use one germanium and one silicon transistor in the classic Fuzz Face circuit.

CC Hybrid is a stand-alone pedal that contains the same Silicon/Germanium fuzz face circuit as the original Captain Coconut and Captain Coconut2. To my knowledge, it’s the first example of a commercially available pedal to use one germanium and one silicon transistor in the classic Fuzz Face circuit. It combines the warm, dark organic tone of germanium with the clarity and sustain of silicon. CC Hybrid gives you the best of both..

Volume - Set the volume you like, compensate for level changes when adjusting the Grit and Fuzz controls.
Fuzz - Controls the amount of gain in the circuit. Typical setting is all the way up, or backed off a little.
Grit - controls bias voltage to the transistors. This lets you go from smooth to choppy and everything in between. Typical setting is 11:00. Past the 2:00 setting the sound takes on a restricted, gated quality. The extreme range of the Grit control is effected by the voltage coming into the pedal. Above 9Volts, grit stays smooth at the max setting. Below 9Volts, grit can sound choppy at gated as low as the 1:00 setting. If you notice this - don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with the pedal! Just set it for the sound you like.
Input trim - There's a trimmer inside for backing the input level down a little. Just like having your guitar volume turned down. It’s preset all the way up."

There are 3 layouts: one with the original trimmer, one with a fixed resistor in its place and one for NPN transistors (not the Foxrox version).
Schematic available here.


  1. This looks like a mashup of Joe Gagan's Easy Face and the Fooltone '69. Not a bad thing. I built something similar based on the Easy Face layout posted here a few years back. If you build only one Fuzz Face in your life, this would be a good choice.

  2. Tag it sounds tasty!. Q1 used a BC327. Tried a Russian in Q2 (77hfe) was too dark. Put a out of the pile, generic Ge pnp, 125 hfe in Q2 and boom!! sounds killer. Might be cool to just have a layout with a 50k resistor in the trimmer spot. My trimmer is pegged and I am gonna slap a resistor in to cut any extra noise. Thanks Alex....Rawk!

    1. Thanks mate! Added a second layout.

    2. Wouldn't the trimmer full up mean zero resistance? So with the trimmer removed the input should just be moved down a row.

    3. Crap! That's true! Fixed it. :)

  3. So I could use an AC127 and say a 2N2222A and then not need the inverter?

    1. Basically yes. But then you'd need to reverse the electrolytics as well. This layout is strongly based on the inverting DC-DC chip, so IMO it would be better to build another simple Fuzz Face board with these values.

    2. I've added a third "NPN" layout.

    3. Wow - thanks Alex! That's very similar to what I drew. Do the 22uF caps need to be reversed as well? Or are they different because of where they sit in the circuit?

    4. The 2u2 and 22u actually would need to be flipped compared to how they currently sit on the NPN layout

    5. Glad I checked. Thanks mate - I'll give it a try.
