
Monday, 22 September 2014

HBE Power Screamer

Haven't counted, but i believe we have fair number of Tubescreamers and derivatives listed here. And here's one more. Tweaked with couple of mods to low frequency response and gain. Switchable diodes etc. The boost switch is a stomp and with 2PDT you can use the second pole for a LED. I've omitted the 27K resistor from the output, but if you want yours verbatim, just solder 27K resistor between Level lugs 1 & 2.

The Power Screamer is our flagship pedal. Tonally wide ranging and transparent, The Power Screamer "oozes" vintage, tube like overdrive. Based on the JRC4558D The Power Screamer features: Adjustable Gain, Level and Tone controls, 3-Way Diode Select and footswitchable Boost.


  1. Hmmm. No one's responding to this? I guess we're suffering from tube screamer fatigue ;)

    I looked at the schematic, and it's really nothing new. I don't think I would include the "no diode" mode as I don't like op amp clipping.

    1. You can include the link of the schematic?

    2. Here is what is on FSB:

  2. In the new version there are a FAT BOOST switch (left side):

    the mod can be included?


  3. anyone tried this one yet? pretty much exactly what I'm looking for, a tube screamer with a boost button! Will have to order in parts to complete it though, so wondering if anyone verified yet?

  4. Just finished building this pedal and it works perfectly! Sound the same as in the video!

  5. If I wanted to make the boost switch linked to a pot so the boost level can be adjusted.. how could this be done? And maybe a FAT switch like found in the boutique tubescreamers? These would quite literally make this the ultimate pedal!

    1. The "boost" switch on this one switches between two sets of components from inverting input to ground, so it is sort of a fat switch.

      But if you really want, you could try to swap the 1K (next to 1ยต) for a 2k pot (with maybe 220R added in series) to act as a boost side's gain control and use 4PDT switch to double the values of both 68n (to 120n) and 100n (to 220n) on the upper left corner. Or possibly wire the doubling caps to be added in parallel with a switch. That should act as a fat switch for both modes at the same time.

  6. it's just me or there's no difference between the 2 diode position and both sound pretty bad?
    The central position is great tho

  7. Just built-thanks!
    With the stock 4558 mine sounded a bit fizzy and with gain dimed, boost on very compressed and fuzzy (not in a good way!;) So i tested a bunch of ic's and imo opa2134 sounds Great! A lot tighter and refined.
    Thanks for all the great layouts!

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  9. Here's a little demo with this vero:

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  11. Great Pedal! this is my build

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