
Monday 1 July 2013

Mindbender Fuzz - Compact layout

Same as the Mojo version, but with smaller board, made to accomodate your standard components. Description on the Mojo version post.


  1. I have a set of OC75s from small bear I got with plans for building a MKII Tonebender, but I like the sound of the mods on this version. To use the PNP transistors would I just reverse the polarity on the electros and diode, and wire the power up for positive ground?

    1. Have plans to build this one too, sounds more promising than an actual "pure vintage" MKII doesn't it? And yes, you just have to reverse the orientation of the diode and electro caps and wire for positive ground!

    2. Cool, thanks for the reply, lago! I'm leaving town for a couple of weeks tomorrow morning, so I hopefully I'll have time to sneak this build in tonight!

  2. Yeah same here
    I have a trio of OC75s from sm bear as well to use for this, going to reverse the diode, electrolytic caps and wire it positive ground... cannot wait to hear this one with the mods


  3. WOW....looks very promising....on my list

  4. The Attack pot is valued at 2K to keep Q3 for getting saturated. Swap that for 1K and it should sound worse :)

  5. Oh. I'm tagging this one too.

  6. Will try that, could tve bias be changed for a bigger value or would that result in just pure crap?

  7. anyone else built this yet? now that im looking at other tonebenders mine isnt working right, its very gated and volume is sorta below bypass when all knobs are maxed.

  8. Is the 4.7uf cap at input reversed?

  9. Q1 hfe is critical in this circuit. Mine works best with a low gain NPN Ge in Q1 (70ish, don't know leakage). It also hates my power supply, but loves a cheap battery. I should mention I'm using my own layout, though we followed the same schematic. I just left the 47k resistor on Q2's collector.

  10. I built this with a 1N4001 diode, I have not gotten a chance to box it or test it yet but will that doide work as well?
    Original schematic has it... 4001 not offer as much protection from frying the transistors?

    Cannot wait to fire this up!

  11. Yep. Reverse pol protection. I used 1n4001 too.

  12. Hi, i would have posted earlier but forgot my gmail account...duh.
    I built this with 3 old 2n1304's, that i had no use for until now.
    the cct sucked.
    But Peeps spotted the 4.7uf cap had the wrong orientation... i missed it too from the first layout.
    Yesterday I hit a chord on my guitar and the sustain, is still going even now:)
    I dont like "one trick ponies" pedals, but this tonebender cleans up so nice and the fuzz sounds like a busted chainsaw....awesome. I guess i had the right HFE transistors and lucked out.

  13. Built this with AC176s. Nice. Transistors and electrolytics are a bit high, but this should fit in A...

  14. Recomended version. A litte bit of noise when cranked, but i think this is the nature of the beast. Very responsive pots, and loud. Mine got 6.5 Volts at Q3 (i cant´s got smaller than that, the trimmer goes enterely to left). Thank you!
