
Saturday 20 April 2013

Palmer Hurrigain

Nothing too special, but just a cool, high gain, straight forward modern Fuzz Face adaptation. Demo vid in spanish.

Now verified. If you are experiencing oscillation with your build, try 100R resistor in place of 5.6 Ohm...


  1. No cut under the 5R6? Or should that cut just above it move down?

  2. This is good to be tagged. Also I built it without the cut under the 5.6r resistor and it worked just fine, put the cut in and there's no noticeable difference, there is a slight whine at the highest gain setting and it's possibly trying to solve that, but if so a higher value should probably be used. I'll have a play with it to see, not today thought as I'm going out in 30mins.

    This is a nice sounding Fuzz Face alternative and the tone control is an excellent addition and works well. Worth trying if you're after a Fuzz Face but want a bit more control over the sound, the 2k fuzz pot gives it a little more fuzz at the highest level too!

  3. well, it's only a 5.6 ohm resistor so I wouldn't think that it would make much difference with or without it.

    1. I'll tag this right away..

      Don't have a clue why they would use 5.6 ohm resistor, as usually people tend to use 100R and up for taming the oscillation on normal fuzz faces. That could be an error on the schematic too.. I'll add a note on the post - so that people experiencing oscillation can up the value...

  4. maybe they read it wrong and it's a 56 ohm resisitor?

    1. That is possible. The hand drawn schem at FSB has 5R6 in it. Maybe the note will suffice... :)

  5. Should gain really be a 2k log pot? Seems like there's only real fuzzy breakup from about 3 o'clock and up. I feel like a 2k linear pot would work better, unless this is intended.
