
Monday 6 February 2012

Lovepedal Eternity

Lovepedal's bufferless Tubescreamer with asymmetrical clipping.  Actually I think that makes it a bufferless Boss SD1


  1. Hello ivlark....
    I've made the pedal and it doesn't work
    I have to say that there are some mistakes on vero layout for example the wires of tone and gain aren't in the right position.which schematic did you use to make the vero layout?

    1. I used this scheme and the layout certainly seems to match this:

      What mistakes do you think are there?

      There is always a chance that lugs 1 and 3 of the pots need to be swapped. Unfortunately not everyone who produces a schematic follows the usual convention when using the pot symbol of lug 2 being 90 degrees clockwise from lug 3 and they just orient the symbol in the way that makes it easier to fit in the scheme without numbering the lugs as a guide. I would expect the pedal to still work though even if the lugs needed swapping, the pot would just work backwards.

  2. Hello Ivlark....
    the problem solved......VERIFIED!!!!
    the problem was the input jack that I placed on the pedal it was defective.
    thank you very much I really appreciate your work......

    1. Excellent, are the tone and drive pots the wrong way round? I'll update the layouts if they're not right. Cheers

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    3. Yes the tone and drive pots needed to swap....

    4. OK that's great thanks, I'll update the layouts.

  3. just finished it. sounds awesome! lol@ buying expensive pedals.

  4. Yes I agree. I don't mind buying some from the builders I want to support, but Lovepedal isn't one of them. I buy parts in bulk so the individual unit price is very low and excluding box and switches etc, I reckon I could make up a populated Eternity board for less than a pound. Just shows the profit margins in some of these, especially for effects with zero R&D costs like Lovepedal's Tubescreamers.

  5. is this the E6 or has that yet to come ?

    1. I've no idea, I get lost with the 174 different versions of this pedal that he's released. I'm happy to do a layout for one if you know where there is a schematic.

    2. The E6 is the white one . . I dont have a schematic for that, would be interresting to see the differance. You have done the Eternity Burst (brown) and Eternity (Black).

  6. Hi lvlark,

    Just wanted to say thanks for all your great work. I chose this project as my first proper pedal and it turned out great.

  7. Hello, I just made this pedal, and this is what I got

    volume knob works fine
    tone knob works, but it has to be almost closed completely until the sound starts to get darker
    gain: It doesn't see to make a difference, I get an almost clean tone in every position of this knob.

    I have double checked the pedal and I cannot see any mistake, I just followed the vero above exactly. Is this normal?

    many thanks for your layouts, this is very helpful

  8. Oh, I just found the mistake, sorry for the post. Now it works perfectly. Actually I think that the minimum gain setting is actually higher gain that for a tubescreamer...

    Only one thing. I have seen schematics for this pedal with different components values. For instance here

    Is there any "certified" correct schematics of the eternity, and is the one used for your vero layout?

    Many thanks

    1. That's not an Eternity, it's an Eternity Burst, the layout for that is on here too.

    2. hey Miguel! How goes it? Do you remember what ended up being the fix for the tone pot? I think I have the same problem? The tone pot doesnt seem to be changing much of the tone? Or is that kind of the deal with this pedal? I've never played a commercial one before

      Thanks! UPTHEPUNXXX!!!

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  10. Oh I didn't realize that, now i see it. thanks again, I'll look at it too


  11. What would be the best way to add more bass to this pedal? I find it a bit too bright and the tone control fully closed gives less bottom than a tubescreamer. Maybe lowering the value of the 220n cap in the feedback loop? or increasing the first 55n input capacitor?

  12. Hi check out my demo of this pedal here

  13. hey homies! Long time no talk! I hope everyone is doing well. I built a couple bad ass blues drivers thanks to this site. But anyways back to business. So I built the above lovepedal and it sounds pretty bad ass. I was getting the same problem as Miguel was in regards to the tone pot? I'm pretty sure its not doing anything? Or is it just extremely subtle? I switched lugs 1 & 3 because I thought I probably wired them wrong. Same result. I double and triple checked all my components and breaks and such.. I mean the pedal works with or without the tone pot. Meaning that when I disconnect the tone pot, the circuit still works? I tried different pots as well to no avail. I should let you all know that I usually make some pretty boneheaded mistakes and can usually trouble shoot them myself. However, I wanted to see first if maybe I wasn't doing anything wrong and the tone pot is just very subtle? I am testing it through a pod into studio monitors. Anyways, any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated! And if not, then I still thank you for reading all the way to this point.


  14. Hi, I don't remeber which was exactly the problem with my build, sorry. I believe I had a misplaced component. I think the tone pot worked well after the fix but i don't have it boxed now. I will check it this week

    1. Ok cool! I really appreciate you getting back to me. Yea if you end up checking Id be really curious to find out what it was. I'm stumped! The darn thing sounds great, and makes no difference with or without me hooking up the tone pot. Which is also kinda weird. If I don't hook it up at all the pedal still sounds great, and the volume and gain pots work wonderfully. well, back to the drawing board for now...


  15. Hello upthepunxxx. Sorry for not answering before but I ran out of jacks and I couldn't box my build. I hope the problem is solved. I have checked that the tone range is noticeable, although not extreme, but I didn´t disconnect the pot to see if it worked without it. I have compared this tone range with other professional boutique tubescreamers that I own, and the tone range is comparable. I have recorded a short sample of my build showing the differences in tone that you can get. The noise that you hear should be a bit higher than in a proper build, since my test box is full of empty holes for testing circuits with more pots... howvever you may get and idea. The settings of this recording are:

    Sample 1 - No pedal
    Sample 2 - Eternity Tone 10/10 (Vol 5/10, Gain 2/10)
    Sample 3 - Eternity Tone 0/10 (Vol 5/10, Gain 2/10)

    Played with Telecaster Cabronita Thinline. Middle pickup selector (TV Jones-like )
    Amp: Fender Blues Junior. Vol 3/12, Treble, Bass, Middle 6.5/12, Master 9/12, Reverb 4.5/12. Fat Switch engaged trough Palmer PDI-03 with Deep/Flat in middle position, Bright engaged

    File here:

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  17. Does anyone have a schematic for the Roadhouse variant?

  18. Uber noob here, I've made a few kits but this will be my first stab at a vero layout. I can't seem to find a 55n cap anywhere, can any kind soul point me in the right direction?

    1. Replace it with 56n, that's a common value and it will not have any audible difference.

    2. great stuff, thanks man!

  19. Built this and it sounds great, however I'm not sure the diodes are doing anything as I socketed them and it works without them and with them and it doesn't change the sound at all?
    I've used 1n914 as well as red LEDs with no audible difference. I even put them on a switch and still no change in sound?

  20. Is it necessary to connect lugs 2 and 3 of the drive pot or can I just solder that wire from the board to lug 2?

    1. It has to be both together or you won't get the correct behavior.

  21. I just finished building this and it sounds great, except for one thing. At either end of the tone pot (when it's both on 0 and 10) the sound cuts out completely. Right before it cuts out, it's an intensely compressed fuzz sound. Any ideas?

    1. I found the issue. There was some solder connecting the lowest two rows (Tone 2 was grounded).

  22. I've built this and am having MASSIVE problems with ground loop oscillations, has anyone else had this issue and resolved it? oscillating noise starts at around 9 o'clock on the gain pot and increases with gain. I've added a 100n filter cap between pins 4 and 8 of the op amp, as well as a 100pf across pins 6 and 7, and a 100 pf in parallel to the clipping diodes but this has not helped .

  23. Having the same issue as others with the TONE pot. At "0" it's barely darker than bypass. Treble does increase when turning CW. Everything seems to be wired correctly. Any help is much appreciated!
