
Sunday 14 February 2010

COT50 with Briggs mods


  1. Built this last week, works and sounds great! Just enough extra gain and adds some nice tones to a very driven amp. Also, sounds awesome layered with a SHO.

  2. Excellent, thanks for the feedback

  3. having some problems, built as is, all joints appear good, signal goes through when bypassed , but when i hit the switch, no apparent change in sound, just same clean signal coming through... ??? any insight would be greatly appreciated

  4. My First Build!!, Have a friend who always laments how he wishes he had never sold his COT50, anyway, nice transparent drive, just enough gain and the added know is quite versitile once you figure it out, Had to redo a loose ground wire and is none to pretty,but, works great, really drives the front of a old super lead Marshall great, works just as well with my Bedrock 1200 as well.
    On to a landgraft boost,because, hey, who doesn't need a overprices tube-screamer??
